Monday, September 30, 2013

The Rundown: Once Upon a Time

We all know I watch a lot of shows, and while I won't recap them all, I will happily do a quick rundown. If you watched the episode, you get the point.

This rundown is about the season 3 premiere of Once Upon a Time.

1. No matter how many times I see Michael Raymond-James aka Baelfire aka Neal, I still call him Rene (from True Blood. He was so awesome.)
Hey, boo!

2. Mulan needs to find her OWN man. Can she back up off everybody else's man? I see the way she was looking at Neal.
Well, she is kind of hot.
3. Peter Pan can hear you coming. From far away.
I know. But really, it's the only way to distinguish him from the rest of the Lost Boys.
4. Catfight!!!
I hope Snow doesn't spend the next episode crying about getting into a fight.
5. As always, Rumpelstiltskin will cut a bitch. Open.

I guess we will find out next week what Pan wants with Henry's heart! 

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